
You can also read about my experience in my own words.

Reid Gillette



Sera Systems Grapevine, TX (Remote)
Senior Software Engineer June 2023-Present
Working with a team of highly experienced engineers, helped grow an established Ruby on Rails app for the Field Service industry. Acting as a project lead, I was responsible for ensuring completion of all technical aspects of projects from inception, planning, execution, phasing, and deployment. Projects ranged from smaller “green-field” additions to large initiatives requiring careful design as to not affect existing users. Created a system to allow Sales and Customer Support staff to monitor and manage trial accounts without massive changes to underlying authorization code. Introduced new API schemas to enable paginated API’s while retaining existing filtering and sorting behaviors for massive performance improvements. Leaning heavily on Postgres, implemented a time-tracking and reporting system allowing dynamic weekly and daily overtime calculations customizable to support requirements in different states. Provided technical mentorship to engineers to maintain the highest level of code standards of tested, reusable, well-factored, correct code.
Chatkick New York, NY (Remote)
Lead Software Engineer September 2021-April 2023
As the sole Ruby/Rails developer on a very small team, had full responsibility for a 5-year-old Ruby on Rails application. Performed needed infrastructure upgrades and updates to increase overall stability, evaluated legacy code for extensibility, quality, test-coverage (or lack thereof), and applicability for new company priorities, refactored existing code to enhance development ease, testability, observability, and reliability. Migrated authorization strategy to a centralized service to provide a more consistent customer experience between products without disruption to existing workflows. Maintained integration with numerous external API services including Calendly, Nylas, Microsoft, and Google. Helped a team of contractors working on other company products identify existing business logic and port applicable requirements to a new set of shared Node/Typescript services.
Hover San Francisco, CA (Remote)
Senior Software Engineer August 2020-February 2021
Built and maintained a Ruby on Rails backend application acting as the primary point of access for a quickly growing computer vision startup. Added support for onboarding large numbers of enterprise customers using SAML and SSO. To support these customers, added necessary configuration values to the REST and GraphQL API endpoints.
Framebridge Washington D.C. (Remote)
Senior Software Engineer August 2018-May 2020
Built, maintained, and supported a Ruby on Rails application to fabricate, fulfill, and ship custom framing orders. The application tracked and scheduled fabrication of individual components as well as tracked the location of customer provided artwork. Individual “fulfillment activities” built using Angular JS interfaced with the Rails application to provide tools for each step of the manufacturing process. Worked closely with factory management and supervisors to identify problems and suggest appropriate solutions while anticipating future growth and other business needs. Proposed and implemented a shipping tool that reduced manpower by 75% while saving 17% on shipping costs and eliminating a class of shipping errors.
Stitch Fix San Francisco, CA (Remote)
Lead Software Engineer February 2016-August 2018
Built and maintained numerous systems used by fulfillment center associates to fulfill orders, manage inventory, and generally operate efficiently. Built and maintained applications written in Ruby on Rails and Go in a service-oriented system, refactoring behavior into new services as the business grew or demands changed. Using Go, built a batching service and accompanying API to calculate pick order across multiple orders following the shortest nearest-neighbor path and an accompanying Ruby on Rails and AngularJS application used by the associates to follow the pick path for the combined orders and sort the orders as they picked. These picking tools resulted in >20% increase in picking efficiency, established a new pattern for future services, and introduced Go as a first class language to Stitch Fix. Working with a team of software engineers, industrial and process engineers, and data scientists, defined a new process to eliminate a labor intensive, paper-driven sortation process with a digital solution resulting in >20% picking efficiency. Integrated with 3rd party robotics vendor to send shipping labels into a proprietary system. Created Go service running on an on- site server in each distribution center to translate JSON API into proprietary TCP based connection required by the vendor. Defined our API to best communicate status and exceptions from the vendor’s software back to associates in the distribution center and ingestion into existing monitoring infrastructure.
Equifax St. Louis, MO (Remote)
Software Engineer June 2014-February 2016
Expanded the features, maintainability, and functionality of an existing enterprise application built on Rails on Rails 2. Coordinated with other teams to develop internal API offerings. Supervised multiple integration projects requiring iterative releases to migrate critical faxing infrastructure.
Mavenlink San Francisco, CA
Software Engineer July 2012-July 2014
Using Ruby on Rails, expanded Mavenlink’s project management software using test driven development, continuous integration, and agile software development practices. Refactored revenue collection system from an existing integration with Chargify to a new integration with Stripe for payment processing. Develop a powerful plan, pricing, subscription, and contract data model to seamlessly handle accounts with varying payment schedules across different payment processors while handling millions of dollars in transactions.
T & B Structural Systems Fort Worth, TX
Structural Engineer November 2008-July 2012
Performed design calculations on highway retaining walls across the country requiring the application of varied design specifications from different stakeholders. Supervised support staff while managing numerous competing tasks. Used knowledge of internal processes to develop support and project management applications using Ruby and Rails.


Valparaiso University Valparaiso, IN
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering May 2006


  • Over 11 years experience with Ruby on Rails with a focus on back-end design but experience working the entire stack
  • Experience with Golang to build JSON serving backend services
  • Experience with PostgreSQL and MySQL
  • Deployed services with Docker and Kubernetes
  • Over 10 years working remote with distributed teams and distributed product owners
  • Experience delivering high quality, mission critical applications through use of test-driven development, code reviews, technology radar, and mentorship
  • Presented a talk about my first year as a software developer at LoneStarRuby Conf. 2013 in Austin, TX
  • Licensed Private Pilot with experience in aerobatics